Keepkey Sdk

KeepKey SDK Usage


Here’s a quick overview of using the KeepKey SDK for interacting with your KeepKey hardware wallet.

Install the KeepKey SDK

https://www.npmjs.com/package/@keepkey/keepkey-sdk (opens in a new tab)

npm install @keepkey/keepkey-sdk

Setting up the KeepKey SDK

export const setupKeepKeySDK = async () => {
    let serviceKey = window.localStorage.getItem('@app/serviceKey')
    let config: any = {
        apiKey: serviceKey,
        pairingInfo: {
            name: 'ShapeShift',
            imageUrl: 'https://assets.coincap.io/assets/icons/fox@2x.png',
            basePath: 'http://localhost:1646/spec/swagger.json',
            url: 'https://private.shapeshift.com',
    let sdk = await KeepKeySdk.create(config)

    if (!serviceKey) {
        window.localStorage.setItem('@app/serviceKey', config.apiKey)
    return sdk

Getting a Bitcoin Address

let path = {
  symbol: 'BTC',
  address_n: [0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 1, 0x80000000 + 0],
  coin: 'Bitcoin',
  script_type: 'p2pkh',
  showDisplay: false
let addressBtc = await sdk.system.info.getPublicKey(path)

Signing a Bitcoin Transaction

let hdwalletTxDescription = {
  coin: 'Bitcoin',
  inputs: inputsSelected,
  outputs: outputsFinal,
  version: 1,
  locktime: 0,
let signedTxTransfer = await sdk.utxo.utxoSignTransaction(hdwalletTxDescription)

Understanding the KeepKey SDK

Quick Start with KeepKey

Run the following to create your project:

npx degit keepkey/keepkey-template your-app-name

Auth and API Documentation

  • Auth:

  • The config object is passed into the KeepKey SDK. The apiKey issued by KeepKey Desktop is returned to the SDK and added to the config.

  • API Docs: View the Swagger docs directly.

Alt Text

Signing a Transaction Example

let inputs = [
    addressNList: [2147483692, 2147483653, 2147483648, 0, 0],
    scriptType: "p2pkh",
    amount: String(390000),
    vout: 0,
    txid: "d5f65ee80147b4bcc70b75e4bbf2d7382021b871bd8867ef8fa525ef50864882",
    tx: input,
let outputs = [
    address: "1MJ2tj2ThBE62zXbBYA5ZaN3fdve5CPAz1",
    addressType: "spend",
    amount: String(390000 - 10000),
    isChange: false,
let txDescription = {
  coin: "Bitcoin",
  version: 1,
  locktime: 0,
let responseSign = await sdk.utxo.utxoSignTransaction(txDescription);